Le Major sono insoddisfatte dell’attuale legge sul copyright che prevede una durata di 50 anni, (e sono 70 anni in Italia e in alcuni Paesi europei), per i diritti di chi interpreta un’opera musicale ( le cosiddette royalty ). Ma oltre a loro anche la Commissione Europea sta pensando a una nuova legge per estendere la durata del copy.
Un’idea veramente assurda , se si pensa che una simile decisione non gioverebbe di certo alla cultura musicale e nemmeno alla sua fruizione ma solo ai pochi che possono sfruttare i diritti d’autore.
Sul sito Sound Copyright, sostenuto dalla Electronic Frontier Foundation e dall’Open Rights Group, è possibile firmare una petizione per fare sentire la propria voce.

Sign the petition today !


Una risposta a “KEEP”

  1. Ecco la lettera dove viene descritta la questione dell’estensione dei copyrights che la Commissione Europea sta affrontando

    Dear Sound Copyright supporters,

    Many of you will have read in the last week that, as a result of intense lobbying, the EU Commission disregarded the balance of evidence and formally accepted the proposal to extend the duration of copyright for sound recordings. Writing in the UK press Dave Rowntree, the drummer from Blur, explained why this proposal would be damaging for Europe’s creators and consumers. He hasn’t been alone in voicing his concern:

    Fortunately, the battle isn’t lost.
    You can help us campaign for a rational copyright policy in four ways.

    >> How you can help 1:

    We need more people to show their support. Over 12,500 people have signed our petition, so tell your friends and help us spread the word across Europe so that you can be heard in Brussels:

    >> How you can help 2:

    The full texts of the proposal and the relevant impact assessment are open for collaborative commenting. Please help us challenge their arguments and point out evidence that disproves their claims. 2

    >> How you can help 3:

    The UK Intellectual Property Office, the government body charged with ensuring balance and fairness in Intellectual Property, has asked the public and all those with an interest to make sure their voices are heard, and contact the UK-IPO by the end of August. Remember, always be polite and considered when explaining why term extension concerns you.

    You can find out which government body in your country is responsible for intellectual property policy here:

    >> How you can help 4:

    Show your support for our work by joining or donating to the Open Rights Group. Check out for more information on our campaigns.

    Thanks again – we’ll keep you updated.

    The Sound Copyright Campaign

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